How to Recognize Mental Abuse

Name calling, controlling behavior, gaslighting, learning how to recognize mental abuse to put a stop to this behavior.

Learn how to recognize mental abuse and get the help you need. Mariposa Center offers support for Orange County residents.

Mental Health Conditions: Depression and Anxiety

Feeling overwhelmed? Tired all the time, even when you get enough sleep? Maybe you’re worried about things that haven’t happened yet, or just feel a constant sense of dread. It could be more than just a bad day. You might be dealing with depression or anxiety. Now, you might think, “Everybody feels like this sometimes.” […]

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a time to shine a light on the importance of mental well-being and the challenges faced by those with mental health conditions. Here in Orange County, countless individuals grapple with anxiety, depression, trauma, and other mental health issues – often in silence. The stigma surrounding mental health can make […]

2024 OC Guide: Sexual Assault Awareness Month Resources

Sexual Assault Awareness Month highlights support services available in Orange County. Find help, and begin healing at Mariposa Center.

April was Sexual Assault Awareness Month, a time to talk about this important issue and let survivors know about resources that can help. Here in Orange County, there are many dedicated people ready to help you begin the healing process. If you or someone you care about has been affected by sexual assault, please know […]

What is Consent? Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Learn what consent means, how to protect yourself, and how to get help during Sexual Assault Awareness Month if you need it.

Everyone deserves to feel safe and respected in their interactions and relationships. Consent is essential – it means everyone involved freely and clearly agrees to sexual activity. Understanding consent is the first step to stopping sexual assault and building healthier communities. Sadly, not everyone experiences this safety, and the trauma of sexual assault can last […]

Building Hope with an ECMT Care Coordinator: Justice

For Women’s History Month, Mariposa Center’s ECMT Care Coordinator, Justice, discusses building a brighter future.

Meet Justice, the new ECMT (Emergency Medical Treatment) program director at Mariposa Center in Orange County, CA.  She’s dedicated to helping individuals find stability, access resources, and build a brighter future. However, justice brings more than just expertise to the role; she brings empathy, which is born from personal experience. Like many she now helps, […]

Women’s Mental Health Support in Orange County | Mariposa Center

Women’s Mental Health Support in Orange County

Orange County is a beautiful place to live, but even the sunshine and beaches can’t keep all of life’s stresses away. This Women’s History Month, take the time to prioritize mental health, not just your busy schedule. Finding Women’s Mental Health Support in Orange County is a boon to the community. Mariposa Center, located in […]

Celebrate Women’s History Month by Taking Care of Your Mental Health

Women’s History Month

Life as a woman is filled with possibilities, but let’s be honest—it’s also loaded with challenges. Work pressure, relationships, body image issues, and family drama can pile up fast. This Women’s History Month, let’s channel the strength of the women who paved the way for us. They championed their rights, and that includes the right […]

Women Providing Healing, Promoting Hope in Today’s Society

Women Providing Healing

Many women dedicate their lives to offering healing and hope to others. From licensed therapists to dedicated volunteers, these women provide help for those struggling with mental health challenges, trauma, or addiction. Their work makes a massive difference in the lives of women who need a hand. If you’re in Orange County, California, Mariposa Center […]