Building Hope with an ECMT Care Coordinator: Justice

For Women’s History Month, Mariposa Center’s ECMT Care Coordinator, Justice, discusses building a brighter future.

Meet Justice, the new ECMT (Emergency Medical Treatment) program director at Mariposa Center in Orange County, CA.  She’s dedicated to helping individuals find stability, access resources, and build a brighter future. However, justice brings more than just expertise to the role; she brings empathy, which is born from personal experience.

Like many she now helps, Justice battled homelessness and addiction.  Years ago, she lived in the Santa Ana Riverbed, had her first baby taken away, and saw no way out of her situation. But with the help of support programs and her own unwavering determination, Justice slowly rebuilt her life. Today, she has a home, a loving family, and a passion for helping others avoid the path she once walked.  Her story is proof that profound change is possible.

Justice understands the pain and frustration that individuals facing life crises often feel. This understanding forms the heart of the ECMT program.

At Mariposa Center, we understand that everyone’s journey to stability is unique. Life can take you places you never expected to go. Homelessness, transitioning after incarceration, and other major challenges can leave you feeling lost and overwhelmed. But there is hope. Our ECMT program offers personalized support and practical solutions to help you overcome challenges and create the future you deserve.

What is ECMT?

Mariposa Center’s Enhancement Care Management Team (ECMT) is designed to help individuals facing serious life challenges, like homelessness or transitioning back into society after incarceration. Our team of dedicated Care Coordinators offers a lifeline of stability and support, guiding clients on their individual journeys toward a brighter future.

While focused on practical results, ECMT is fundamentally about empowerment. We work directly with clients to understand their unique needs, goals, and obstacles. Our goal isn’t simply to solve the immediate crisis, but to provide the knowledge, resources, and support needed to achieve long-term stability, self-sufficiency, and overall well-being.

”Everyone deserves the chance to rebuild their life. It might not be easy, but with the right support, amazing transformations are possible.” 

– Justice, ECMT Program Director, Mariposa Center

Finding Strength

Justice believes that everyone has the potential to overcome challenges. She doesn’t just provide resources; she works alongside clients, helping them understand what they need and how to access it. 

This hands-on approach helps rebuild confidence and reminds people of their own strength.

More than solving immediate problems, Justice focuses on long-term solutions. Whether it’s finding a job, developing healthy habits, or simply feeling more in control of their own lives, she helps her clients build the tools and resilience necessary to thrive beyond their current struggles.

Finding a Place to Call Home

”Securing housing is often the first step towards stability,” Justice explains. ”I help clients find housing options that fit their needs, connect them with resources, and walk them through the application process.” A safe and stable home provides a foundation for addressing other challenges.

Finding Vital Resources

”My job is about more than just finding a roof over someone’s head,” Justice says. ”It’s about connecting people with mental health services, job training, substance use treatment – whatever they need to thrive.” Mariposa’s ECMT helps clients access essential programs that improve their overall well-being.

Finding Assistance

When you’re struggling, figuring out systems like benefits applications or legal processes can feel impossible. Justice empowers her clients by breaking down these barriers and advocating for their rights. ”Sometimes people just need someone in their corner,” she explains. ”I’m here to make sure they get the services and support they deserve.”

Justice’s work goes beyond securing resources. She collaborates with clients to create personalized plans that address their specific needs and goals. ”I help them map out a path, whether it’s finding a job, improving their health, or getting back on their feet after a difficult past.”

Finding a Supportive Network

ECMT Care Coordinators, like Justice, understand that long-term success relies on a network of support. Justice connects clients with community partners and resources, building lasting support systems beyond Mariposa’s services.

Find Healing at Mariposa Center

The road to stability might feel long and difficult right now. But remember, you don’t have to walk it alone. Mariposa Center’s ECMT team is here to guide and support you along the way. By working together, we can overcome challenges and build a life where you feel secure, empowered, and hopeful about the future.

Imagine waking up in your own home, feeling a renewed sense of purpose thanks to a good job, and surrounded by a network of people who believe in you. That kind of transformation is possible, and Mariposa’s ECMT can help make it happen. Reach out today to learn more and start creating a brighter tomorrow.

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